I told myself I was going to stay out of this debate, but I have one thing to say.

Being here in Hawaii, I am surrounded by absolute, non-debatable evidence that these islands have been forming here very slowly for millions of years. You can see layers and layers of lava built up over millions of years everywhere you look. You can go to the Big Island and WATCH the process in action, for pete's sake.

Even a child can see the process with their own eyes and understand. How anybody can actually believe that the Earth is just a few thousand years old while faced with such overwhelming evidence that it is not is so out of whack, it makes me question the very sanity of anyone who blindly believes in ID or creationism.

No amount of "faith" is strong enough to make me ignore what I can see with my own 2 eyes.
Audiophile: "A gate IS a compressor, A Fader is a MANUAL compressor." Pure comedy.