Originally posted by dorkus:
If you get into quantum physics, you will learn that there needs to be another 7 dimensions just for matter to exist. What's one more dimension? Also, the notion that time is not fixed is relatively new....
I believe you are mistaken. Quantum Mechanics does not predict additional dimensions; those dimensions are a creation of string theorists attempting to resolve mathematical inconsistencies in QM.

And consider the big bang - a singularity (an infinitely small point) exploding into our universe. Let there be light is right.
A singularity is defined as a point having infinite space-time curvature. The term often is used to mean any point which is undefined or fails to exist as part of a continuous manifold, and is not necessarily infinitesimal.

Your understanding of entropy is flawed as well. Evolution is in no way in conflict with the second law of thermodynamics. The Second Law states that the entropy of a closed system must increase (in fact, the direction of the "arrow of time" itself is typically defined by determining in which direction entropy increases). The Earth, and its species, do not constitute a closed system. Allow me to illustrate with a familiar metaphor:

A watchmaker takes raw metal and glass and creates a device of magnificent complexity and usefulness. Has this violated the Second Law? No, because the watchmaker and his creation are not a closed system. The discarded shards of metal, chipped glass, and the contents of his garbage are all a part of the same system, and were also "created" during his work. His body radiated heat, and he drank water and ate a Slim-Jim, pausing occasionally to take a leak or tend to his mistress.

Do you see how evolution through natural selection takes a small part of a huge system and creates magnificently complex species and interactions? Remember, our planet is bathed in radiation from many sources, most notably the Sun, which is probably more deserving of praise as a creator of life than any God humans have dreamt up.