I mentioned this earlier in this post. You think YOU are the authority and that's what doesn't sit right Mr Justin Cowell. It's coming about like more of an ego trip for yourself. I don't care about being the 'BEST' infact i know i'm not. I think Jeremy's first instict was dean on; i should have seen it coming.

For example, my mix is based on my mainly engineering live shows. Maybe it sounds so 'loud and mastered' because that's what is expected of me to do everytime i setup a band, sometimes with only 15-20minutes to get it done.

I 'polished' bands for over 8 years and decided it wasn't going to do anything for my career 'fixing' bands' recording. Infact, now i'm of the philosophy of fixing the band in it's entirety. For example, I will MAKE the drummer tune his drums and play it ontime. I will autotune the vocals and then tell the singer to SING IT THIS WAY! i will never use a pitch corrected track. I will not time align the drums. It's a recipe for failure. The bands end up thanking me in the end even tough i put the through the ringer.

This competition was supposed to be a 'show and tell' not, who's better, and the so called 'prize' isn't really an issue. I won already cause i do what i love. I had a shreddy solo and a small choir lined up to overdub some parts but now i think it's not worth it.