That's cool listening to you add stuff and rearrange the song, but this was more about sonics originaly, how your gear and how it's interfaced can change the over all sound quality. Everything from W/C to mixer, to mixdown method, cables ect. Not so much as how much you dress up the song.

But it must be very interesting to Justin to hear his track taken on by others. That's cool. At Omega they use to say "There is only one rule, there are no rules".

Nick if your pissed off at me, for being a jackass, please just realize I was born this way,I can't help it . I try, and try, but every once and a while my "jackassness" kicks in without me even realizing it. Until later when it wears off, I'll read something I siad and think to myself " What a Jackass I was".

I beg your forgiveness, and well kindly pleasure you in any way.