Just for fun...

1) If you think you 'know' that the U.S. or the world would be in a better place if Al Gore had won the election, I guess I'd ask you if I could borrow your crystal ball that seemingly allows you to see alternate realities(?) - but it's obviously broken!

2) To say that voting for a non-mainstream candidate like Nader is some type of ill-advised "vote essentially for Bush" is the worst type of selfish, short-sighted political expendiency. The fact of the matter is, the distinctions between Bush and Gore, or Bush and Kerry - or ANY Republican and ANY Democrat - are so freaking marginal that it's almost imperceptible.

Why? Because our closed-loop, two-parties-only system allows it to be a race which is essentially about photegenics and 30 second TV spots - and NOT about a true discourse on all of the issues with ALL of the interests represented.

The only way that MIGHT change is to have more independent candidates. I, for one, would gladly stand by and watch any number of Presidential elections in my lifetime get flushed down the toilet of a failurre to congeal a majority - if that happened in the process of moving towards a true, open airing of all of the issues with several viable candidates running.

Man, I shudder to think where we'd be now if folks like Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Hancock and the like actually thought things like: "Well, if we do the RIGHT thing here, for future generations, it will make the next few years really difficult for us. Let's just stick with the lesser of two known evils. Let's not burden ourselves with the difficult task of even trying to make things right, for the future and for everybody."

3) No, I am not a Bush supporter. I think the guy is a moron and has put the U.S. into the worst foreign relations posture that it has been in, in decades. I'm just of the opinion that, under the present system, no matter who gets elected, it'll pretty much be business as usual.
Obama sucked. I wish I were up there instead of Obama.
~ Nick Batzdorf